Hornsby Dentist

Hornsby Dental | Hornsby Dentist: Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth normally erupt at around 18 – 25 years old. However it is not uncommon for these teeth to erupt at a later age or not to erupt at all. The wisdom tooth can either erupt straight, tilted at an angle or they can even erupt sideways . Most of the time, an X ray is needed to see the position of the wisdom tooth whilst it is still under the gums. If it is positioned at angle or if it is growing sideways, you might need to take your wisdom tooth out. This is because food can get trapped easily between the wisdom tooth and the adjacent tooth and this will allow the growth of bacteria. Due to the position of this tooth, it is often difficult to clean. Consequently, this will increase the risk of bacterial growth and caries development. Most people also prefer to get their wisdom tooth out as it may interfere with orthodontic treatment. If there is not sufficient space in the jaw, the alignment of your teeth might change due to the force generated by the eruption of your wisdom tooth.

For more information, visit: Hornsby Dental or give us a call on (02) 8090 1100 for more information and to speak with one of the Hornsby Dentist | Hornsby Dental team members for any questions that you may have.

19 Nov, 2021

Best Dentist Hornsby

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